Eve Worden
Minister of Love and Life
Please remember as you read my thoughts that they are exactly that they are my thoughts and opinions. Nothing I write is meant to offend anyone. I only hope that some where in my thoughts you might find something that you have been looking for. Also remember that life is a rollercaoster of emotions so some things may be happy thoughts and others might sad. Thank you for visiting my thoughts today!
There are some things I don't understand and no matter how hard I try I can't make sense of! I know I wasn't born and raised here but there are a lot of things that to me just don't seem right! Some I have complained about in the past some I have kept to myself! lol I don't understand what has happened to people helping each other when something goes wrong or you really just an extra set of hands! It is very hard to find anyone these days that are that way, either they want to get paid or it's like a competition (well I did this for you so you should do this for me)! I grew up believing that if someone passed away you where there to support the family who is grieving, even if you really didn't care for the person who passed! You still showed respect to the family, if there is family members you do care about! I have also always believed you don't go around talking ill of those that are sick or dying (well really you shouldn’t say bad things about people in general)! I was told many times growing up if you don't have anything nice to say don't say anything at all, keep it to yourself! I know I don't always practice this because some times I get really fired up about things and the crap just comes out of my mouth! Even if it has happened I always own it! Which most don't any more, it's always well I didn't say that! Growing up out in the country we didn't always see or talk to our neighbors every day we all were busy but when we did see each other or called each other the conversations weren't all about complaining they were friendly or sometimes sad if some thing tragic had happened! We might talk to someone half a dozen times through out the year but when we met them at the store or on the street it was always friendly and usually with smiles and hand shakes! We didn't have all this technology back then and most often I wonder if that's not half the problem!! It is too easy now-a-days to let whatever your thinking get away from you by texting, fb, video chat or calling! And family values!!! Were have they gone??? Right out the window I say!! You don't have to be blood to be family but damn if you say you family act it!! Families are supposed to be there for each other not there to tear each other apart all the time!! I'm not saying family members won't fight here and there that's normal! Family members should be there for each other through the good and the bad times not just when it suits them! They shouldn't go around putting each other down for their faults, that is something that should be kept private between family members, not the whole world! YES I'm guilty of spewing things on here, never said I was perfect! I also don't understand why it is that people insist on twisting what you say around to cause trouble! You could be trying to help some one but then they turn your own words against you or use them to hurt some one else! Family is supposed to be supportive and kind and respectful to one another! Hell maybe I have just watched to much "Little House on the Prairie"!!! Many times I just wonder is this really how the world is supposed to be, have I been putting to many ideas in my own head about the way it should be or is it really supposed to be the way I think it's supposed to be!?! Got lots more I could say but I won't I'll save it for another day!! I will keep seeking the answers I am looking for and maybe one day I will find the truth!!